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Online Criminal Background Check System
Arkansas Department of Public Service

Subscribers accessing Arkansas and National/FBI Criminal Background Check (CBC) Records

Subscribers accessing the online Arkansas name based criminal background check records and/or the National/FBI Criminal fingerprint-based criminal background check records must read and sign this addendum agreement.

Arkansas name-based criminal background check

The Arkansas response is based on a search of the database under the name submitted.

This service is limited to persons with the signed written consent of the subject of the record.

National/FBI fingerprint based criminal background check:

The National/FBI CBC report is based on fingerprints (not a name based search) and will report the nationwide criminal history information that is releasable by the FBI.

This service is limited to persons with the signed written consent of the subject of the record AND authority under state or federal law to perform the fingerprint based check.

One of following must apply to you before you
may obtain an Arkansas Criminal History and/or National/FBI records:

Name Description
AAF - (HR) Employee Financial or IT - DHS - Division of Provider Services and Quality Assurance AAF - Mandated for state and federal background checks for hiring new employees with a state agency in a designated financial or information technology position §21-15-111.
AAS - (HR) Employee Direct Contact - DHS - Divisoin of Provider Services and Quality Assurance Mandated DHS/Div Age/Adult Services for background checks for state employees in the Division of Aging & Adult Services in designated positions who care for elderly, children,mentally ill and the developmentally disabled. The access is in accordance with Arkansas Code §21-15-102
ABC - Alcoholic Beverage Control Division-Alcohol ABC Mandated pursuant to Arkansas Code §3-2-103 regarding applicants for alcohol permits issued by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division.
ARS - Arkansas Rehabilitation Services -State Employee Designated Position (direct care of persons not fiscal or IT positions) Mandated for Arkansas Rehabilitation Services for background checks for their state employees in designated positions who directly care for the elderly, children, mentally ill and the developmentally disabled. The access is in accordance with Arkansas Code §21-15-102
ASP CTR- Written consent of the subject Non-mandated under Arkansas Code §12-12-1501 through 1513 allows the release of Arkansas non-criminal justice background information to persons who have the signed consent of the subject of the record. The release form on file with the employer, service provider or third party must indicate that the employer or Service Provider/Third Party Agent on behalf of the employer or subject shall have the authority to request the criminal background check. INA and the Arkansas State Police will hold the third party responsible for any inquiries or audits that may be conducted.
AWA - Non-Volunteer - Adam Walsh Act AWA Under the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-248), for a position in a private elementary or secondary school,on individuals employed by, under consideration for employment by, or otherwise in a position in which the individual would work with or around children in the school.
AWA - Volunteer - Adam Walsh Act AWA Under the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-248), in a position in a private or public school, a local educational agency, or State educational agency in Arkansas, on individuals employed by, under consideration for employment by, or otherwise in a position in which the individual would work with or around children in the school or agency.
BLD - DHS Division of Blind Services BLD DHS Mandated under Arkansas Code §21-15-102 for DHS Division of Blind Services employees in designated positions who give direct care to elderly, children, mentally ill, or developmentally disabled persons.
BON - Nursing, Arkansas Board of Mandated under Arkansas Code §17-87-312 for applicants for license with the Arkansas Board of Nursing.
CHI - (Provider) - Child Care - non DHS requestor CHI Mandated by Arkansas Code §20-78-602 for background checks for child care facility owners, operators and employees under Arkansas Code §20-38-101 through 103.
CHW - Child Welfare CHW Mandated in accordance with Arkansas Code §9-28-409 regarding child welfare agencies
CHWV - Child Welfare - Volunteers CHWV Mandated in accordance with Arkansas Code §9-28-409 (b)(1) for a volunteer having direct and unsupervised contact with children.
DBF - (HR) Employee Financial or IT - DHS - Division of Behavior Health Service DBF - Mandated for state and federal background checks for hiring new employees with a state agency in a designated financial or information technology position §21-15-111.
DDF - (HR) Employee Financial or IT - DHS - Division of Volunteerism DDF - Mandated for state and federal background checks for hiring new employees with a state agency in a designated financial or information technology position §21-15-111.
DDS - DHS Division of Developmental Disabilities, Community Programs providers DDS Mandated under Arkansas Code §20-38-101 et seq to service providers who are licensed by the DHS, Division of Developmental Disabilities, and Community Programs for employees of service providers that provide care to developmentally disabled persons under Arkansas Code §20-33-201.
DDT (HR) Incumbent Employees-Financial or IT -DHS Division of Volunteerism Mandated for state and federal background checks for incumbent employees with a state agency in a designated financial or information technology position §21-15-112. If the state agency can verify that the employee has been employed by a state agency in a designated financial or information technology position within sixty (60) days before applying for the criminal background check or has lived continuously in the State of Arkansas for the previous five (5) years, the bureau shall conduct only a state criminal history check on the applicant.
DDV - (HR) Employee Direct Contact - DHS - Division of Volunteerism DDV - DHS- Office of Volunteerism under Arkansas Code §21-15-111 for designated financial or information technology positions.
Designated Positions (Financial or Information Technology) non-DHS (state background check only) Designated Positions (Financial or Information Technology) Background checks under ACA 21-15-111 are limited to current employees and applicants for designated financial or information technology position as defined to mean a position designated by a director of a division or office within the Department of Human Services in which the person placed in the position: (A) Has the authority or capability via computer access or otherwise to receive payments or to issue, initiate, or approve a contract, grant, warrant, payment, or procurement in any form; (B) Approves security access to information systems; (C) Authenticates and configures user security access to information systems; (D) Acts in the capacity of information technology network, application, or system administrator; (E) Manages or directs information technology network, application, or system administrators; or (F) Develops, designs, programs, or maintains information technology networks, applications, or systems; See definitions in Arkansas Code 21-15-102.
DHR State Employee Designated Position (direct contact - not fiscal or IT position) DHR DHR Mandated for Department of Health for background checks on state employees in designated positions who have contact with the elderly, children, mentally ill and or developmentally disabled. This access is accordance with Arkansas Code 21-15-102.
DOH - LTC Employee -Dept of Health, HFS Mandated under Arkansas Code §20-33-203 regarding employees or applicants of a long term care facility/qualifying entity as defined by Arkansas Code §20-38-101.
EAC - Registered Volunteer Obtaining Coaching Certificate / Work in Coaching Capacity EAC- (AR921523Z) Mandated under Arkansas Code 6-17-414 for background checks for a registered volunteer, as defined by § 6-22-103, is in the process of obtaining a coaching certificate or will be working with students in an athletic coaching capacity.
EDC - Teacher (Licensure, Renewal) EDC (AR920080Z) Mandated under Arkansas Code ¤6-17-410 for background checks on applicants for teacher license and renewal teaching license with the Arkansas Department of Education.
EDF - Employment (Fiscal Officer) EDF (AR920623Z) Mandated under Arkansas Code ¤6-17-421 for background checks on fiscal officers of educational entities.
EDL - Teacher (Lifetime) EDL (AR920080Z) Mandated under Arkansas Code ¤6-17-2604 for background checks on applicants for a lifetime teaching license with the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education.
EDN - Non-Teacher Employment (Classified/Substitute) EDN (AR920140Z) Mandated under Arkansas Code §6-17-414 for background checks for classified (non-teacher) school employees with a local school district or an education service cooperative and for background checks on applicants for substitute teacher employment with a school district.
EDP - Techer (Pre-Service) EDP (AR920080Z) Mandated under Arkansas Code §6-17-410 for applicants enrolled in an educator preparation program in a supervised clinical practice at a school district.
EDT - Teacher (Licensed) Transfer of Employment EDT (AR920636Z) Mandated under Arkansas Code ¤6-17-411 for background checks on applicants for transfer of their employment among educational entities.
EDUC Employment (Classified) EDN Mandated under Arkansas Code §6-17-414 for background checks for classified (non-teacher) school employees with a local school district or an education service cooperative.
EDUC Employment (Fiscal Officer) EDF Mandated under Arkansas Code §6-17-421 for background checks on fiscal officers of educational entities.
EDUC Employment (Substitute Teacher) EDN Mandated under Arkansas Code §6-17-414 for background checks on applicants for substitute teacher employment with a school district.
EDUC Licensed (Teacher) Transfer of employment EDC Mandated under Arkansas Code §6-17-410 for background checks on applicants for transfer of their employment among educational entities.
EDUC Teacher (Licensure, Renewal, Lifetime) EDC Mandated under Arkansas Code §6-17-410 for background checks on applicants for teacher license, renewal and lifetime teaching license with the Arkansas Department of Education.
EDUC Teacher (Pre-Service) EDC Mandated under Arkansas Code §6-17-410 for applicants enrolled in an educator preparation program in a supervised clinical practice at a school district.
ElderChoice Qualified Entity/Provider Under Arkansas Code §20-33-213 and §20-38-101 et seq regarding employees or applicants of a qualified entity or ElderChoice provider as defined by Arkansas Code §20-33-213.
Employer / Business Non-mandated under Arkansas Code §12-12-1501 et seq for an employer or business legally doing business in the State of Arkansas.
Government Employee I am a non-mandated state or federal government agency performing background checks on applicants or employees with this agency. I am not required by law to perform the background check.
Harvester - AWA - Non-Volunteer - Adam Walsh Act (STATE AND FEDERAL BACKGROUND ONLY) H-AWA (Non-Volunteer) Under the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-248), for a position in a private elementary or secondary school,on individuals employed by, under consideration for employment by, or otherwise in a position in which the individual would work with or around children in the school.
Harvester - AWA - Volunteer Adam Walsh Act (STATE AND FEDERAL ONLY) H-AWA (Volunteer) Under the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-248), in a position in a private or public school, a local educational agency, or State educational agency in Arkansas, on individuals employed by, under consideration for employment by, or otherwise in a position in which the individual would work with or around children in the school or agency.
Harvester - SER - Serve America Act - Non-Volunteers (STATE AND FEDERAL ONLY) H- SER (Non-Volunteer) Pursuant to the Serve America Act, a National Service Criminal History Check is required for persons who have recurring access to children 17 years of age or younger, to persons age 60 and older, or to individuals with disabilities. Individuals in covered positions include Senior Companions (SCP), Foster Grandparents (FGP), AmeriCorps State and National participants, and other participants, or staff funded under a Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) grant. See 45 CFR Parts 2510, 2522, 2540, 2551, and 2552. Only the state check is released, FBI qualification is by ASP determination letter only
Harvester - VOL - Volunteer (STATE AND FEDERAL ONLY) H- VOL Access under Arkansas Code §12-12-1607 for volunteer organizations to perform criminal history background checks on their volunteers. FBI background checks are also available, if fingerprints are submitted.
HED - Arkansas Department of Higher Education - Partners or Shareholders HED Mandated under Arkansas Code §6-51-605 for private career school partners or shareholders with 10% or more ownership applying for an original or renewal of school licensing from the Department of Higher Education.
HER-Arkansas Department of Higher Education - Admissions Representative HER Mandated under Arkansas Code §6-51-609 for applicants for an admissions representative's license from the Department of Higher Education.
ITF - (HR) Employee Financial or IT - DHS Office of System Tech ITF - Mandated for state and federal background checks for hiring new employees with a state agency in a designated financial or information technology position §21-15-111.
ITS - (HR) Employe Direct Contact - DHS - Office of System Tech ITS - Mandated under Arkansas Code §21-15-102 for applicants applying for positions involving direct contact with children, with mentally ill, and developmentally disabled persons.
LTC - (Provider) - DHS - Long Term Care Employee LTC - Mandated in accordance with Arkansas Code §20-38-101 et seq regarding employees or applicants of a long term care facility/qualifying entity as defined by Arkansas Code §20-38-101.
LTC - Other employees not required by DHS OLTC Non-mandated other LTC employees/applicants not required to have a background check by OLTC.
LTF - (HR) Employee Financial or IT - DHS - Long Term Care Children LTF - Mandated for state and federal background checks for hiring new employees with a state agency in a designated financial or information technology position §21-15-111.
LTK – (HR) Employee Direct Contact - DHS Long Term Care - Children LTK - Mandated in accordance with Arkansas Code §21-15-102 , regarding employee or applicants of a long term care facility/qualifying entity involving direct contact with children and with mentally ill and developmentally disabled persons.
MMC - Owner/Agent - Medical Marijuana Commission c/o ABC Licensing MMC - Owner/Agent - Pursuant to Arkansas Constitutional Amendment 98 and Act 545 and 642 of 2017 for background checks for applicants to be a dispensary owner/agent, cultivation facility owner/agent, Transporter owner/agent, Processor owner/agent or Distributors owner/agent of medical marijuana in Arkansas.
MME - Employee - Medical Marijuana Commission c/o ABC Licensing MME - Employee - Mandated pursuant to Arkansas Constitutional Amendment 98 and Act 545 and 642 of 2017 for background checks for applicants to be a dispensary employee, cultivation facility employee, Transporter employee, Processor employee or Distributors employee of medical marijuana in Arkansas.
Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies, (LICENSING USE ONLY) Access under this section is limited to companies that are licensed and regulated by the Arkansas Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies in accordance with Arkansas Code §17-40-307. This section is available for background checks on applicants for all licenses and registrations OTHER THAN COMMISSIONED SECURITY OFFICER (CSO). This site is limited to those purposes only and is not available for background checks on behalf of third parties.
Professional Licenses Non-mandated access for a professional licensing board in Arkansas or any other state and I am conducting background checks on applicants for licensure with this board.
Public Housing Agency Under the authority of Public Law 104-120 Section 9 (q), the public housing agency is allowed access to criminal records of adult applicants for, or tenants of, public housing for the purposes of applicant screening, lease enforcement and eviction. FOR USE BY PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCIES ONLY.
SDC - Providers - Self Directed Caregivers - DHS SDC - Pursuant to ACA ¤20-77-125 and 20-77-128 regarding in-home caregivers or applicants to become in-home caregivers processed through DHS.
SDC - Self Directed Caregivers - DHS SDC - Pursuant to ACA §20-77-125 and 20-77-128 regarding in-home caregivers or applicants to become in-home caregivers processed through DHS.
SMD - State Employee Designated Position (direct care of persons not fiscal or IT positions) State Military Dept State Military Department for mandated background checks on state employees in designated positions who care for elderly, children or developmentally disabled. This access is accordance with Arkansas Code 21-15-102.
VCA- Volunteers for Children Act - Transportation Contractor VCE - Mandated in accordance with the Volunteers for Children Act (VCA) allowing for a national criminal background checks on transportation contactors whose status is "volunteer" under the VCA.
VCE - Employees - Volunteers for Children Act - Transportation Contractor VCE - Mandated in accordance with the Volunteers for Children Act (VCA) allowing for a national criminal background checks on transportation contactors whose status is "employee" under the VCA.
Written consent of the subject of the record Non-mandated under Arkansas Code §12-12-1501 through 1513 allows the release of Arkansas non-criminal justice background information to persons who have the signed consent of the subject of the record. The release form on file with the employer, service provider or third party must indicate that the employer or Service Provider/Third Party Agent on behalf of the employer or subject shall have the authority to request the criminal background check. INA and the Arkansas State Police will hold the third party responsible for any inquiries or audits that may be conducted.


An organization or individual receiving an Arkansas or National/FBI non-criminal justice criminal history record may not utilize it for purposes other than those stated in the request or which deny the subject any civil right to which the subject is entitled.

Any person who uses the criminal history information for any purpose not specifically authorized commits a Class A misdemeanor offense under state law and if the FBI record is used, may also be subject to federal criminal and civil penalties or remedies.

To sign this addendum for Arkansas and/or National/FBI background checks, you must perform the state background check through ASP and agree that, prior to performing any background check you will obtain the signed consent of the subject. You will need to maintain that consent in your files for three (3) years, because the release(s) will be subject to ASP audit.

The Arkansas and National/FBI responses must be kept in a secure location (such as a locked filing cabinet with limited access by general office personnel).


I understand that neither I nor my organization is not allowed to further disseminate the criminal history information that I receive based on my request. I understand that my files relating to criminal history information and criminal history release consent forms should be kept secured (in a locked file cabinet that is in a secure location) and shall be subject to inspection by the Department of the Arkansas State Police and/or the FBI for compliance and monitoring purposes.

I understand that any person who knowingly releases or discloses to any unauthorized person any information collected and maintained based on the signed release, and any person who knowingly obtains the information for purposes not authorized by this act, shall be deemed guilty of a Class A misdemeanor or may be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000.00 and/or a sentence up to one (1) year in jail.

I understand that it is a Class A misdemeanor to access this information when you do not have a signed release from the subject of the record check.

I understand that all release forms are required to be maintained for a period of three (3) years. I understand that the Arkansas State Police has audit capability (of three years) upon all requests that have been made. The Arkansas State Police can at anytime during that period require the requester to provide a copy of the signed release that was the basis of the request.

I agree that I will notify INA immediately if a previously authorized user under this account becomes ineligible to access the on-line account due to termination, resignation, relocation etc.

By my signature, I state that I am the party responsible for insuring that the above conditions are met and that I have read and agree to the conditions and laws set forth on this page when accessing Arkansas and/or National/FBI Criminal Background Checks information online through the Information Network of Arkansas.

Arkansas Department of Public Safety | One State Police Plaza Dr | Little Rock, AR 72209

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