PLEASE NOTE: RENEWALS WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, NOV 25, 2024. All Arkansas CPA or PA licenses expire on December 31, 2024. Licenses not renewed before April 1, 2025 will lapse. Act 54 of 2005 amended the Public Accountancy Act of 1975. Specifically, A.C.A. §17-12-504 changed the law regarding the renewal of a license. Pursuant to A.C.A. §17-12-504(f) (2) "an expired license that has not been renewed prior to the first day of the fourth month after expiration of the license or registration, specifically April 1, shall lapse." Any firm or individual that has not renewed their license for 2025 and continues to practice public accountancy or use the CPA title is in violation of the Public Accountancy Act of 1975 as amended and may be subject to additional fines and penalties after notice and hearing. Renewal Type