A Secure Online Service of Arkansas.gov

Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration
Vehicle Registration Renewal

Arkansas STreamline Auto Renewal
Renew your vehicle registration, change your mailing address & set up reminders - all in one step.
Get StartedAlready renewed? Change your address, setup reminders for next year, or print your renewal receipt.
Frequently Asked Questions:
You will need your Renewal Reminder with the Renewal Identification Number and the Verification Code. If you do not have the Renewal Reminder you can renew your registration with the Last 4 Digits of your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), License Plate Number and Zip Code. You will need a valid credit card or electronic check information for payment.
You can renew your registration with the Last 4 Digits of your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), License Plate Number and Zip Code. When renewing ensure that your address is up to date for the Registration Renewal.
Please allow a minimum of 5 business days for mail delivery of your decal(s).
There is no additional charge to use STAR to renew your vehicle registration.
STAR is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
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