Step 2: Please select the trees you wish to order
Please select the trees you wish to pre-order for
Seedlings will not be available for pickup until after they go dormant, usually in middle to late December. After they go dormant, it is your responsibility to notify the Arkansas Forestry Division at least 5 days before you wish to pick them up.

Availability may change (including from sold out to available)
throughout the planting season.

Please check back online or call Baucum Nursery at (501) 907-2485

Pine Species
25 Tree Minimum
25 Trees 50 Trees 300 Trees 500 Trees 1000 Trees Quantity
3 Star Loblolly Pine (41-51% genetic gain) N/A N/A N/A 60.00 75.00
2 Star Loblolly Pine (33-40% genetic gain) N/A N/A N/A 50.00 60.00
1 Star Loblolly Pine (25-32% genetic gain) N/A N/A N/A 45.00 55.00
Advanced Generation Shortleaf Pine N/A N/A N/A 60.00 75.00
Containerized 3-star Loblolly Pine 40.00 N/A 90.00 N/A N/A
Containerized Advanced Gen Shortleaf Pine 40.00 N/A 90.00 N/A N/A
Mixed Loblolly Pine Box N/A 25.00 N/A 40.00 50.00
Mixed Loblolly Pine Bundle N/A 25.00 N/A 40.00 50.00
Mixed Loblolly Pine Bundle/Box N/A 25.00 N/A 40.00 50.00

Improved Oak Species
25 Tree Minimum
25 Trees 100 Trees 1000 Trees Quantity
Improved Cherrybark Oak 60.00 95.00 480.00
Improved Nuttall Oak 60.00 95.00 480.00

Oak Species
25 Tree Minimum
25 Trees 100 Trees 1000 Trees Quantity
Bur Oak 30.00 N/A 290.00 CHECK BACK
Cherrybark Oak 30.00 60.00 290.00
Chinkapin Oak 30.00 60.00 290.00
Cow Oak 30.00 60.00 290.00
Northern Red Oak 30.00 60.00 290.00
Nuttall Oak 30.00 60.00 290.00
Overcup Oak 30.00 60.00 290.00
Pin Oak 30.00 60.00 290.00
Post Oak 30.00 N/A 290.00
Shumard Oak 30.00 60.00 290.00
Southern Red Oak 30.00 60.00 290.00
Swamp White Oak 30.00 60.00 290.00
Water Oak 30.00 60.00 290.00
White Oak 30.00 60.00 290.00 CHECK BACK
Willow Oak 30.00 60.00 290.00

Other Hardwood Species
25 Tree Minimum
25 Trees 100 Trees 1000 Trees Quantity
American Elm 30.00 60.00 290.00 CHECK BACK
Baldcypress 30.00 60.00 290.00
Bi-color Lespedeza 30.00 N/A 290.00
Bitter Pecan (Water Hickory) 30.00 60.00 290.00
Black Cherry 30.00 N/A 290.00 CHECK BACK
Black Walnut 30.00 60.00 290.00
Blackgum 30.00 60.00 290.00
Button Bush 30.00 N/A 290.00
Cedar Elm 30.00 60.00 290.00 CHECK BACK
Crab Apple 30.00 N/A 290.00 CHECK BACK
Dogwood 30.00 N/A 290.00 CHECK BACK
False Indigo 30.00 N/A 290.00 CHECK BACK
Hackberry 30.00 N/A 290.00
Hazelnut 30.00 N/A 290.00 CHECK BACK
Mayhaw 30.00 N/A 290.00 CHECK BACK
Pecan (Native) 30.00 60.00 290.00
Persimmon 30.00 60.00 290.00
Plum 30.00 N/A 290.00 CHECK BACK
Red Cedar 30.00 N/A 290.00 CHECK BACK
Red Maple 30.00 N/A 290.00 CHECK BACK
Red Mulberry 30.00 60.00 290.00 CHECK BACK
Redbud 30.00 60.00 290.00 CHECK BACK
River Birch 30.00 60.00 290.00
Shagbark Hickory 30.00 N/A 290.00
Sugarberry 30.00 60.00 290.00
Sycamore 30.00 60.00 290.00
Tupelo Gum 30.00 N/A N/A
Water Tupelo 30.00 60.00 290.00
Yellow Poplar (Tuliptree) 30.00 N/A 290.00 CHECK BACK

Order Options
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Phone Number: (XXX-XXX-XXXX)
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